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Welcome to the Hamer Community Network

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Hamer is an intentional Community Network Centered in: Peace, Love and Purpose.

Hamer is named in Honor of Fannie Lou Hamer. Fannie Lou Hamer is an American voting and women's rights activist, community organizer, and a leader in the civil rights movement. She was the co-founder and vice-chair of the Freedom Democratic Party, which she represented at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Hamer also organized Mississippi's Freedom Summer along with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). She was also a co-founder of the National Women's Political Caucus, an organization created to recruit, train, and support women of all races who wish to seek election to government office.

Hamer Basic Concepts

Hamer Terms and Conditions

The Hamer Community is aligned with the Beloved Community Pledge and The  Beloved Community License.

Hamer is a community where anyone that is centered in Peace, Love and Purposed is welcome to participate.

Hamer Community Members come from different countries, speak different languages, and represent different races, gender identities, sexualities, nationalities, cultures, religions, abilities, ages, incomes, immigration statuses, levels of education, and life experiences. We’re all here together trying to foster positive conversations, and build a community centered in Peace, Love and Purposed,

By being a member of the Hamer Community , you agree to model the behavior you hope to see from others and follow the the Hamer Terms and Conditions and the ideals of the Beloved Community Pledge and the Beloved Community License .

How Hamer Works

Members & Groups

Members of the  Hamer Community Network can be assigned to one or multiple member  groups. Member groups are used to manage group level permissions as for example the permission to create spaces or access certain areas of the Hamer network as the directory. You can either automatically assign members users to a certain group or let them choose from a set of user groups in the registration process.


The Hamer Community Network is  separated into multiple spaces. A space serves as an independent area within The Hamer Commun Network with it's own set of members.  Most content created within The Hamer Community Network  as posts, events or wiki pages are linked to a specific space. Space's cam be created for projects,  or any kind of community topic.


In Hamer Community Network, streams are used to display and filter recently created contents and activities. The following types of streams are available in the Hamer Community Network.

  • Space stream: This space level wall stream includes contents related to a specific space
  • Profile stream: This profile level wall stream includes contents related to a certain user and by default also includes content created by a user within spaces
  • Dashboard stream: A network wide wall stream includes contents of spaces and profiles a user is following
  • Activity stream: Sidebar stream which lists activities within the whole network or on space level


Beside the wall streams, which display actual content entries as posts or calendar events, the activity stream lists various information about recent activities within The Hamer Community network or a single space. An activity for example could be a new member joining a space or a user liking a post. Activities are also part of the summary mail sent out to users to keep them up-to-date with recent network activities.


In The Hamer Community Network, posts are the simplest form of content. Members can create posts directly within the start page of a space or on their member profile wall.  Hamer provides a WYSIWYG editor for most text based contents in order to add simple formatting as headlines or bold text as well as oEmbed or file uploads.


Notifications are sent out to member to inform them about user related events as new comments or likes on a posts. In contrast to activities, notifications are always directed to a single member and not the whole network or a space.


By default, the dashboard is the starting point for all of Hamer Community Network members. The dashboard provides a quick overview of all recent contents and activities of all spaces and profiles a user is following and may contains additional sidebar elements as for example a task or calendar overview snippet.


The directory serves as an overview of the whole network and provides a list of groups, members, spaces as well as a wall stream with all public user profile posts.


Topics can be used to classify and filter contents within a stream by attaching one or multiple topic labels to a content entry.

The Hamer Community is aligned with the Beloved Community Pledge and The Beloved Community License.