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No Blocks, No Chains

A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt.
A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution.
- Martin Luther King

Members of the Underground Railroad often used specific terms, based on the metaphor of the rail way. The Railroad was often known as the "freedom train” which headed towards "Heaven" or "the Promised Land"
FreedomTrain is a multifaceted “Douglass” initiative that combines the creation and acquisition of digital and real world assets, bottom-up Cooperative governance models, and blockchain technology to provide “all” with essential goods and services for free or at the lowest possible cost.

FreedomTrain Framework
FreedomTrain represents a new informational-economic infrastructure for regenerative asset creation and sustainable development.
FreedomTrain seizes upon the singular social, economic and ecological opportunity of our time; the transition from an extractive economic and governance space to a non-extractive Cooperatively owned economic and governance space aligned with Peace, Love and Purpose.
The FreedomTrain Community Empowerment Platform is explicitly designed to facilitate the acquisition, creation and funding of civic and public goods that are aligned with an understanding of Mutuality and the practice of Peace, Love and Purpose.
Layered on top of the FreedomTrain Community Empowerment Platform is a comprehensive grouping of tools and processes that support Cooperative Communities in the FreedomTrain network as they lead, innovate, organize and communicate .
FreedomTrain represents a potent alternative to both Impact investing and philanthropy, neither of which are capable of creating the social, economic, political and ecological solutions at the scale that is required now.
FreedomTrain’s whole systems design approach enhances the ability to see complex scenarios as they arise anywhere in the world, all with local, regional, national and global implications.
FreedomTrain uses this form of design to turn complex ecological and socioeconomic issues into opportunities to regenerate and transform the earth and local communities at scale.
FreedomTrain represents a vehicle for funding the creation and acquisition of digital and real world assets as well as local and global infrastructure opportunities based on actual public needs, where value is derived not from speculation, but from improvements that are designed to regenerate the earth and communities at scale from the ground up.
FreedomTrain is an adaptive Community Empowerment Platform for creating, redistributing, and structuring real assets in the form of natural resources, public utilities and Cooperatively owned businesses, and technologies.